A Little About Me

Check the bottom of the page to see my cookie baking origins

It is simple. I wanted fresh warm cookies too often... specifically my mom’s homemade cookies. And my mom was sick of making them for me all the time.

I mean who doesn't love their mom or grandmas’ fresh cookies right from the oven?

Now I could try and get out the mixer, find all the ingredients, make sure I measure the correct amount, and mix it for the right length of time....

Do all that to find out I made a mistake somewhere along the way and they are ruined! Not to mention the giant mess I still have to clean up after.

So, I came up with an easy way to (selfishly) have her cookies anytime I wanted. No more bothering her and no giant mess for me.

I took my mom’s chocolate chip recipe and developed 4 other classic flavors. Made huge (6 serving) portions of dough. Put the dough into individual baking tins. And put the tins into an insulated cookie container so you can eat them while they are warm. All you have to do is:

turn on your oven

• take a tin out of the freezer

• pop it in the oven

• place back in the insulated cookie container

• and enjoy while it's still warm

If you are following the theme so far you can tell that cookies should be fresh. It is the best way to eat them! Not only do they taste 10x better, but you also get the delicious smells that come with them.

And to stick with the freshness theme, we don’t use any preservatives. That’s why we store the dough in the freezer, locking in that freshness.

So get your cookies today to have a homemade treat whenever you want.

Still Making The Same Cookies

I probably messed up this recipe but my baking skills have improved since then.

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